• 2022 Dunan (Wuhu) Wuhu Zhongyuan Automation Co., LTD. Social Responsibility report

    2022 Dunan (Wuhu) Wuhu Zhongyuan Automation Co., LTD. Social Responsibility report

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  • Promote quality brand building to achieve high-quality development

    Dunan Environmental statement on product quality and service quality1. Resolutely implement national quality laws and regulations, national mandatory standards and quality guidelines and policies, ...

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  • Dunan environment "three musketeers" through new product identification

    Summer is around the corner, and it's time to rely on air conditioningHowever, when people enjoy the cool comfort brought by air conditioningHave to put up withAnnoying air conditioning noiseCollap...

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  • Hot New Delhi | Dunan environment appeared in India refrigeration exhibition

    The cold wave is still raging in China, India on the other side of the Eurasian continent, but it is hot abnormal, on February 27, India's largest and highest specifications refrigeration and air c...

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    DunAn brand promotional video
    Electronic expansion valve product promotional video
    A leader in healthy and comfortable environments

    You can't see us but we're everywhere

    We are green wish bearers and practitioners

    Produced By 大汉网络 大汉版通发布系统